Facebook Account Has Been Disabled.

What Can I Do If My Facebook Account Has Been Disabled?

Losing your Facebook account is not something you think about. You don’t realize the impact your Facebook account really has. For many others, and myself, it is a key link to the community and an important tool in communicating and sharing in the lives of those around me. Your Facebook account suddenly been disabled? Don't worry, it can happen to anyone and it can usually be fixed with a little effort and a careful approach. 

Deactivate by User

You can easily reactivate your own account if you disable it and restore your account in its entirety, including all your content, friends and account settings. All you have to do is visit the Facebook sign-in page and type the Email and Password associated with your Deactivate account in the upper right corner and click the log in button to automatically reactivate your Facebook Account and its previous settings.

Deactivate by Facebook

If Facebook disabled the account without your consent, you must contact Facebook to plead your case to have your account reinstated. You can also try sending an email to [disabled@facebook.com] to ask why your account was disabled, as well as explaining that you are willing to remove any offending content in order to get your account reinstated. 

However if you think your account was disabled by mistake, you can fill up a Form to request a review to let them know that you haven't violated any rule from your side. This way they can check and give you the access back.

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